Sunday, July 23, 2017

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(The Dark Artifices #2) Lord of Shadows - Cassandra Clare [spoilers]


Would you trade your soul mate for your soul?

A Shadowhunter’s life is bound by duty. Constrained by honor. The word of a Shadowhunter is a solemn pledge, and no vow is more sacred than the vow that binds parabatai, warrior partners—sworn to fight together, die together, but never to fall in love.

Emma Carstairs has learned that the love she shares with her parabatai, Julian Blackthorn, isn’t just forbidden—it could destroy them both. She knows she should run from Julian. But how can she when the Blackthorns are threatened by enemies on all sides?

Their only hope is the Black Volume of the Dead, a spell book of terrible power. Everyone wants it. Only the Blackthorns can find it. Spurred on by a dark bargain with the Seelie Queen, Emma; her best friend, Cristina; and Mark and Julian Blackthorn journey into the Courts of Faerie, where glittering revels hide bloody danger and no promise can be trusted. Meanwhile, rising tension between Shadowhunters and Downworlders has produced the Cohort, an extremist group of Shadowhunters dedicated to registering Downworlders and “unsuitable” Nephilim. They’ll do anything in their power to expose Julian’s secrets and take the Los Angeles Institute for their own.

When Downworlders turn against the Clave, a new threat rises in the form of the Lord of Shadows—the Unseelie King, who sends his greatest warriors to slaughter those with Blackthorn blood and seize the Black Volume. As dangers close in, Julian devises a risky scheme that depends on the cooperation of an unpredictable enemy. But success may come with a price he and Emma cannot even imagine, one that will bring with it a reckoning of blood that could have repercussions for everyone and everything they hold dear.

Halo semuaaa! Jadi, ini adalah post untuk review Lord of Shadows dengan spoiler. Buat review non-spoiler-nya, bisa di baca di sini.

Jadi, buat yang belum baca Lord of Shadows silakan pergi jauh-jauh dari sini karena saya enggak mau keseruan kalian baca Lord of Shadows jadi berkurang gara-gara kena spoiler.

Tapi, kalau kalian nekat tetap mau baca review ini, ya enggak apa-apa juga sih. Wkkwwk. Yang jelas, saya udah ngingetin ya. HEHE.

Jadii, cerita ini dimulai dari sudut pandang Kit dan interaksi Kit-Jace.

Saya suka banget sama scene itu! Kayak, kedua Herondale itu berusaha buat mengerti satu sama lain HEHEHE.

“People are flawed," said Jace. "Not every member of your family is going to be awesome. But when you see Tessa again, and you will, she can tell you about Will Herondale. And James Herondale. And me, of course," he added, modestly. "As far as Shadowhunters go, I'm a pretty big deal. Not to intimidate you."

"I don't feel intimidated," said Kit, wondering if this guy was for real. There was a gleam in Jace's eye as he spoke that indicated that he might not take what he was saying all that seriously, but it was hard to be sure. "I feel like I want to be left alone.” 

Habis itu, ada scene di mana Emma, Julian, Cristina, dan Mark itu lagi ngelawan sea demon. Waktu itu ada scene pas Mark ngasih Emma goldfish dan itu lucu banget! HAHAHAH.

“I couldn't keep a fish alive," she said. "I kill plants just by looking at them."

"I suspect I would have the same problem," Mark said, eyeing the fish. "It is too bad - I was going to name it Magnus, because it has sparkly scales."

At that, Cristina giggled. Magnus Bane was the High Warlock of Brooklyn, and he had a penchant for glitter.

"I suppose I had better let him go free," Mark said. Before anyone could say anything, he made his way to the railing of the pier and emptied the bag, fish and all, into the sea.

"Does anyone want to tell him that goldfish are freshwater fish and can't survive in the ocean?" said Julian quietly.

"Not really," said Cristina.

"Did he just kill Magnus?" Emma asked, but before Julian could answer, Mark whirled around.” 

Saya suka banget ngelihat interaksi Mark-Emma.

Waktu saya selesai baca Lady Midnight, saya curiga kalau Mark juga punya perasaan ke Emma. (Bisa baca review Lady Midnight dengan spoiler saya di sini.)

Mark sama Emma itu kayak love each other tapi bener-bener as a friend. AAH SUKAA. Hehehe.

Btw, soal sea demons, saya udah curiga dari awal kalau itu berhubungan sama MALCOLM!! Dan benar aja kan... ternyata Malcolm belum sepenuhnya mati. Hiks.

Terus, kalau soal karakter-karakter dan interaksinya... pertama-tama, kita bahas Emma dan Julian dulu ya.

Jujur saja, saya sebenernya agak kesel sama Julian kayak... dia suka nyindir-nyindir Emma padahal dia enggak tahu alasan Emma nolak dia dan mutusin Mark! AAH KESAL.

"I guess you've dumped two of their brothers, if we're really counting," he said, as if she hadn't spoken. "Who's next? Ty?"

He knew immediately he'd gone too far. Ty was her little brother, just as he was Julian's. Her face went very still.

"Screw you, Julian Blackthorn," she said, spun on her heel, and stalked back upstairs."

Terus... saya sebenernya SUPER-BERSEMANGAT waktu Queen of Seelie Court bilang dia tahu cara bikin ikatan parabatai mereka putus. Walaupun iya, kalau berhubungan dengan faerie, kita emang enggak bisa berharap banyak.

Dan benar aja kan... cara ngilangan parabatai bond mereka itu bakal berdampak ke semua parabatai bonds di dunia, yang artinya, enggak bakal ada parabatai lagi.

Um.... saya langsung kayak, okay, no thanks. 

Maksud saya, oke, saya emang mau Julian sama Emma. Tapi ya enggak gitu juga caranya. Saya langsung keinget Will sama Jem di The Infernal Devices yang hubungan parabatai-nya kuaaat banget dan saya enggak rela kalau hubungan kayak gitu harus hilang seluruhnya dari dunia cuma gara-gara Julian-Emma.

“I need to be whole again. Even if it doesn’t last.”

“It can’t last,” she said, staring at him, because how could it, when they could never keep what they had? “It’ll break our hearts.”

He caught her by the wrist, brought her hand to his bare chest. Splayed her fingers over his heart. It beat against her palm, like a fist punching its way through his sternum. “Break my heart,” he said. “Break it in pieces. I give you permission.” 

Untung sih, Emma enggak mau. Tapi, Julian kelihatannya cukup mempertimbangkan itu. Saya sih, enggak ragu kalau emang udah enggak ada jalan lagi, Julian bakal ngambil jalan itu.

Benar kata Kieran, Julian emang ruthless untuk beberapa hal, ya.

“Sometimes the most ruthless heart speaks the most truth."

Terus, saya seneng banget pas tahu Magnus mau bantuin mereka dan si Robert Lightwood a.k.a Inquisitor juga udah mau ngerti dan bantuin mereka. Tapi... terus... Robertnya.... mati.... diikuti dengan... kematian... si....

Oke, kita bahas itu nanti ya. WKWKWK.

Nah, balik lagi ke Julian-Emma, saya suka banget pas mereka lagi ke rumahnya Malcolm itu HEHEHE. Tentu aja banyak hal-hal romantis di sana (wkwk), tapi yang paling saya suka itu pas mereka ngebakar gereja gara-gara ikatan parabatai mereka kuat banget. WOWOOW.

Dan satu lagi soal Julian-Emma.... saya suka banget pas mereka lagi bercanda-bercanda soal family motto-nya Shadowhunters. HAHAHAHA.

“Lex malla, lex nulla,” said Julian with a regretful wave of his hand. It was the Blackthorn family motto: A bad law is no law.

“I wonder what other family mottoes are,” Emma mused. “Do you know any?”

“The Lightwood family motto is ‘We mean well.’ ”

“Very funny.”

Julian looked over at her. “No, really, it actually is.”

“Seriously? So what’s the Herondale family motto? ‘Chiseled but angsty’?”

He shrugged. ‘If you don’t know what your last name is, it’s probably Herondale’?”

Emma burst out laughing. “What about Carstairs?” she asked, tapping Cortana. “ ‘We have a sword’? ‘Blunt instruments are for losers’?”

“Morgenstern,” offered Julian. “ ‘When in doubt, start a war’?”

Omong-omong soal bagian yang lucu, di Lord of Shadows ini emang enggak sebanyak di Lady Midnight, karena cerita ini lebih dark and serius gitu, tapi tetep ada bagian lucunya dan enggak ngurangin keseruan ceritanya, kok.
Abis itu, saya mau bahas tentang Kieran-Mark-Cristina. HEHE.

Jujur, saya nge-ship abis Mark sama Cristina. Tapi saya juga suka interaksi antara Mark-Kieran. GIMANA DONG?! : (.

 “Huh,” said Kit, thinking of the Cold Peace. “Are you a prisoner?”

“No,” said the faerie. “I’m Mark’s lover.”

Oh, Kit thought. The person he went into Faerie to save. He tried to stifle a look of amusement at the way faeries talked. Intellectually, he knew the word “lover” was part of traditional speech, but he couldn’t help it: He was from Los Angeles, and as far as he was concerned, Kieran had just said, Hello, I have sex with Mark Blackthorn. What about you?”

Dari akhir sampai tengah buku, hubungan mereka bertiga itu... enggak bisa dijelaskan. Kayak Kieran loves Mark and Cristina, Mark loves Kieran and Cristina, and Cristina loves Kieran and Mark.

"It is," said Emma. "You are headed for a faerie threesome. Or some kind of war."

Dan di akhir cerita, Kieran ceritanya pergi dan saya enggak tahu kelanjutannya bakal gimana antara mereka bertiga. Yah, kita lihat saja nanti ya, wkwk.

Terus saya mau bahas soal... Ty-Kit-Livvy!

Pertama, Kit sama Ty dulu. Mereka lucu banget! Dari awal saya SANGAT SETUJU kalau mereka berdua jadi parabatai, karena ya ampun... siapa yang enggak setuju!??!

Mereka saling mengerti gitu. Dan saya terharu banget waktu Ty ngajak Kit buat jadi Watson sementara dia jadi Sherlock HAHAHA.

“Kit: Look, if you need me so you can arrest me for fun, I feel I should point out it's the sort of thing you can only do once.

Ty: I don't want to arrest you. I want a partner. Someone who knows about crimes and people who commit them so they can help me.

Kit: You want a ... wait, you've been sleeping outside my room because you want a sort of Watson for your Sherlock Holmes?”

Terus saya suka banget adegan pas Kit meluk Ty di rooftop YAAMPUNNNN.

 "Tighter," Ty said. He was hanging on to Kit as if he were a life raft, his forehead digging painfully into Kit's shoulder. He sounded desperate. "I need to feel it."

Dan waktu Livvy bilang dia bakal jadi parabatai-nya Ty, saya kayak.... oh ya udahlah ya.... tapi saya bukannya keberatan juga. At least, saya yakin, Ty sama Livvy enggak mungkin bakal jadi kayak Julian-Emma.

Dan ternyata... saya benar, kawan-kawan. Livvy-Ty emang enggak akan kayak Julian-Emma karena.... LIVVY MATI!!!

Saya bener-bener nangis waktu Livvy mati. Apalagi pas dilihatin anggota Blackthorn yang lain langsung kayak menderita gitu (kecuali Annabel the biatch ofc, tapi kita akan bahas Annabel nanti). Yang jelas saya sedih banget!

Apalagi, pas baca kalimat terakhir di buku ini!

Jadi, beberapa saat sebelum meninggal, terjadi percakapan ini antara Livvy dan Kit:

"Livvy winked at Kit. "You've got that look on your face."

"What look?"

"You're impressed by Idris. Admit it, Mr. Nothing Impresses Me."

Kit was going to do no such thing. "I like the clock," he said, pointing up to it.

"There's a legend about that clock." She wiggled her eyebrows at him. "For a second, when it chimes the hour, the gates to Heaven open."

Dan abis Livvy mati, ada ini yang merupakan kalimat terakhir dari novel ini:

“But the soul, the spirit that made her Livvy was no longer there: It was something that had gone away to a far and untouchable place, even as Julian ran his hands over her hair again and again and begged her to wake up and look at him just one more time.

High above the Council Hall, the golden clock began to chime the hour.”

 Saya pun langsung tambah nangis.


Oke, sekarang mari ke tokoh yang lain. Diana dan Gwyn!

Saya enggak nyangka kalau Gwyn bakal ditonjolin di buku ini dan bahkan tertarik sama Diana. Tapi itu belum apa-apa dibanding kisahnya Diana.

Saya inget banget, saya pernah bercanda di review saya yang buat Lady Midnight tentang Diana dan kegiatannya di Thailand. Saya bilang, 'semoga bukan operasi plastik'. Dan ternyata... di buku ini diceritain kalau... Diana beneran operasi plastik di Thailand!!!

Wow. Saya tercengang.

Dan reaksi Gwyn enggak kaget atau gimana, dia cuma ngerasa kayak "Wow, how sad. But I'm happy for you now."

Dan saya kayak.... OOOOWOWWWWW I LOVE YOU GYWN hhehehe.

Dan terus ada karakter menyebalkan si Zara Dearborn, tapi saya enggak mau bahas dia karena dia NGESELIN ABIS. Intinya, dia nyebelin. End of story.


Lebih baik kita bahas soal kemunculan Jace dan Clary di sini. Saya cukup syok waktu Clary cerita kalau dia mimpi bakal mati, dan itulah kenapa, dia enggak mau nerima lamaran Jace buat nikah karena dia takut, efeknya makin terasa buat Jace kalau mereka nikah.

"I haven't told anyone but you." Clary turned and looked at Emma anxiously. "I'm asking you for a favor. A huge one." She took a deep breath. "If I do die, I want you to tell them--Jace and the others--that I knew. I knew I was going to die and I wasn't scared. And tell Jace this is why I said no."

Maksud saya... oke, saya emang enggak terlalu suka Clary, tapi jangan mati juga dooongg : """ (.

Ya sudahlah, kita lihat saja nanti.

Nah, omong-omong soal Jace-Clary, ini ada satu hal yang udah diduga sama banyaaaak banget orang setelah mereka baca Lord of Shadows. 

Jadi gini, kan mereka berdua lagi ada misi ke Faerie buat nyari senjata yang ditinggalin Sebastian Morgenstern. Nah coba lihat ini:

Halaman 36-27: "Sebastian Morgenstern left a weapon with one of the Courts of Faeire," he said. "A weapon that could destroy us all, destory Nephilim."

Halaman 270: "Her dress (Queen Seelie's dress) looked as if it had been made for her in a time before she had been so starved."

*berpikir* berarti sebelumnya badannya dia lebih besar... apakah dia.... hamil?

Dan terus... halaman 561 pas Dru ketemu cowok di Faerie namanya Ash: "His hair was white-blond, the color of witchlight."

"His green eyes bruned."




Apakah dia anaknya Sebastian dan Seelie Queen?!

Oke, kita lihat nanti aja.

Terus... hm... apalagi ya...

OH YAA! Annabel!

Jujur, saya kaget banget waktu Annabel berhasil dibangkitkan dan dia malah bunuh Malcolm : " ). Tapi saya waktu itu seneng karena emang saya kesel sama Malcolm.

Tapi waktu Annabel bunuh Robert Lightwood dan Livvy saya kayak....


Saya penasaran Annabel pergi ke mana. Ada yang nebak dia ke Unseelie Lands tapi hm.. mari kita lihat nanti.

Dan tokoh terakhir yang mau saya bahas adalah....

Arthur Blackthorn!

Ya ampun, saya bener-bener terharu pas dia ngorbanin hidup dia buat anak-anak Blackthorn yang lain : " ).

Dan ada perkataan Arthur yang saya suka banget:

“There is truth in stories,” said Arthur. “There is truth in one of your paintings, boy or in a sunset or a couplet from Homer. Fiction is truth, even if it is not a fact. If you believe only in facts and forget stories, your brain will live, but your heart will die.”

Sama oh oh oh! Ada lagi sedikit hal yang mau saya bahas. Soal penyakit Warlock.

Saya khawatirrr banget bakal ada apa-apa sama Magnus. PLISPLISPLIS jangan sampai Magnus dan warlock-warlock lain mati. Gapapa Malcolm mati aja, yang lain jangaaan.

Dan omong-omong soal Magnus, saya bener-bener nge-ship MALEC! AAAAHHHH <33

"How dare you tell me it's a tragedy? Magnus never pretended, he never tried to fool me into thinking it would be easy, but choosing Magnus is one of the easiest things I've ever done. We all have a lifetime, Zara, and none of us know how long or short it might be. Surely even you know that. I expect you mean to be rude and cruel, but I doubt you meant to sound stupid as well." 

She (Zara) flushed. "But if you die of old age and he lives forever--"

"Then he'll be there for Max, and that makes both of us happy," said Alec. "And I will uniquely lucky person, because there will be someone who always remembers me. Who will always love me. Magnus won't always mourn, but until the end of the time, he will remember me and love me."

Oke... mungkin segini dulu buat sekarang. Saya bener-bener sedih harus nunggu dua tahun sampai The Queen of Air and Darkness rilis tapi yah... mau gimana lagi? Mari menunggu. Wkkwk.

Okeokeee, terakhir, saya kasih 5 dari 5 bintang buat goldfish! HAHA.

1 comment:

  1. Hai! Aku suka gaya reviewmu. Kocak-enjoyable. Jadi pengen baca review lain wkwk.

    Oya. Mau rekomendasiin buku fiksi Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo, atau, six of Crows. Melihat gaya reviewmu yang asik dan berasa diajak fangirlingan; kayaknya bakal cocok deh.

    Aku bookhangover 4 tahun sampe sekarang. Dan bentar lagi ada seriesnya di netflix! Yeyy. Sebagus itu.
